The Sacred Geometry of Life

P.C. Turczyn - Malestrom

All around and within us lies the beauty and sacred patterns of life.  As visionary artist Pamela Turczyn states in her artist statement “Ancient teachings and quantum theory teach us that the universe is comprised of vibrations consisting of light, sound and information. I believe that everything carries a unique identifying vibration, somewhat like a genetic code. “

The strands of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, water crystals, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes or geometrical archetypes.
Spending an entire afternoon exploring sacred geometry I was lead in what seemed like spirals of understanding as I delved deeper into the patterns of life.  It makes sense that even our breath is moving in patterns that support sacred design and breathing space to thrive in.  If this is so, then I wonder if we place ourselves in architecture built upon the patterns of sacred geometry; immerse ourselves in visionary art; create gardens that reflect back to us the fabric of our being; and seek out practices that open and align us with our deepest knowing and understanding of these geometric archetypes  – that the mystery of life will reveal more to us, and we will come to a greater understanding and functioning of the fullness and resonance of who we are.

Chalice Well Gardens, Glastonbury

As Bruce Rawles ( states, “It is this principle of oneness underlying all geometry that permeates the architecture of all form in its myriad diversity. This principle of interconnectedness, inseparability and union provides us with a continuous reminder of our relationship to the whole, a blueprint for the mind to the sacred foundation of all things created.”
There are many sites dedicated to Sacred Geometry – some of which will give you theory and mathematics, and others that will take you into the heart of creation.  I invite you to take a peak at Charles Gilchrist in the video and P.C. Turczyn at the blog link below.  Here are two amazing artists that are reminding us of the interconnectedness of life by “using sacred geometry as expressed in nature, light, color, rhythm, sound, and intention.”

Sacred Geometry: The Golden Mean with Charles Gilchrist

Lillian Sizemore, mosaic artist, educator and independent scholar, has written a comprehensive article for her blog/newsletter about the work and unique studio practices of Pamela C. Turczyn. Follow this link for the article on her blog and then visit Pamela’s website from there:

Other Blogs by

Life Flower

Published by

Gaye Abbott

NATURAL PASSAGES CONSULTING Inspiring New Possibilities, Living From the Heart of Life While Co-creating Well Being of Body, Mind, Heart and Planet….One Breath At A Time. Gaye Abbott, is a wild and free soul who just so happens to LOVE writing, playing with energy, ecstatic dance and free form movement, living and breathing in nature, her 3 sons and 3 grandchildren, communing with friends and global community, organic food and cooking, creating home sanctuaries to live within, a lack of material possessions....and laughter every single day! As a wise elder of 72 years she feels decades younger....and acts it too! Devoted to being of service to the Earth and all living beings Gaye seeks the peace of mind and openness of heart that provides the foundation for effective action in the world and her community. OTHER BLOGS BY GAYE ABBOTT: Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here:

6 thoughts on “The Sacred Geometry of Life”

  1. lillian sizemore forwarded this article to me; what a wonderful surprise! thank-you for some beautiful insights and writing. i, also, enjoyed the video.

    you may be interested in the islamic tile pattern, featuring an 8 pointed star, which is called ‘the breath of the compassionate.’ you can read about it in ‘a beginner’s guide to constructing the universe’ by michael schneider, pg.274.

    warm regards,

  2. What a delight to hear from you! In my morning writings today I stated that a wish of mine is to own one of your astounding art pieces…hearing back from you is just about as good! Thank you for the reference Pamela. I will most certainly explore it! May you continue to open your creative heart and soul and pour out beauty and the sacred… Blessings! Gaye

    1. i hope one of my paintings will find a home with you. i love it when they go off and create life with a kindred spirit. my piece, ‘infinite compassion’ is with another breathworker, allan baker, chicago.

      there is nothing that can compare with the beauty of the natural materials i use in my gilded paintings (metal leaf, mother-of-pearl, mica, crystals, etc.) but i am working hard this year to provide work that can benefit a greater number of people. starting early next year, gorgeous, archival digital prints will be available: floral mandalas of infinite qualities including compassion, vitality, surrender, unconditional love, hope, reiki(the infinite field, and creativity. all qualities helpful to embody when experiencing life’s challenges. the originals are done in gouache and watercolor on paper and prints can be purchased with handpainted metallic accents.

      thank-you for the blessings and may all of your projects be equally blessed,

  3. Thank you for mentioning me on your blog, Gaye. Happy to put you and Pam in touch. I would love to have one of Pam’s pieces too! Please have a look at my most recent post on the Ordered Art of the Muses…more Fibonacci connections for you!
    thank you for sharing this work and your thoughtful insights!

  4. Lillian! Thank you so much for the exquisite piece done on Pam and her work, and for the link to your blog post on the Ordered Art of the Muses. My fascination with this world only deepens! This also gave me the opportunity to go to your blog and website and learn a little more about YOU and your work. Again, I want to use the word exquisite…and also the word sacred. Seeing your work in person is quite possible as I travel to the Bay area several times a year to see family. Oh, how I would love to take a class with you, or join in collaborative art within a community. Guess you have just acted as my muse!! Deep appreciation for your expression in the world! Gaye

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