Soul Musings/Day 26: Living With Passionate Awareness


A shallow contracted breath is like running away from your own life experience.

We have to breathe.

Choosing to do so with passionate awareness brings opportunities and risks.

Falling into life moments with the abandon of a child.

How many moments of our lives are we willing to passionately breathe into.

Amelia Earhart once said, “Who wants to live a life imprisoned in safety?”

Timing is everything and nothing, yet if we decide to hold back the moment is lost.

Declare to explore the passion embodied within a full breath,  awaiting as a lover with open arms.



Inspiring New Possibilities, Living From the Soul of Life While Co-creating Well Being of Body, Being, Heart and Planet….One Breath At A Time

Soul Musings is a 31-day practice for the month of December immersed in deep listening to what is emerging and unfolding day by day.  Eight sentences with occasional resources to explore more deeply.

Each post, invited by Soul, allows the words to emerge unscathed from prior planning, editing, or censorship.  Dwelling in uncertainty and dipping a toe into mystery this union of words is an attempt to resonate within an innate way of Being…. returning “home”.

To receive daily posts simply sign up for this blog and you will be notified through e-mail.  In addition there will be daily posts on the blogs below.  Thank you for being part of this practice with me!

Gaye Abbott




Breath-Book-coverW2(3)Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here:



Soul Musings/Day 23: Sharing the Breath


“What a marvelous cooperative arrangement – plants and animals each inhaling each other’s exhalations, a kind of planet-wide mutual mouth-to-stoma resuscitation, the entire elegant cycle powered by a star 150 million kilometers away.”–Carl Sagan, “Cosmos”

The act of “inspiration” supports our embodied aliveness. The word carrying with it many meanings, layers and nuances.

In the simple act of drawing air into the lungs there exists a reflective relationship with the spirit of air. A partnership which is shared with all that are living.

Diving deeper into distinction inspiration is also an act of receiving and communicating sacred revelation.

When we consider the air that we breathe a quantum connector and shaman of inspiration why wouldn’t we want to breathe fully.

Filling our lungs with the exhalations of Life breathing.

Living life as sacred with every breath.



Inspiring New Possibilities, Living From the Soul of Life While Co-creating Well Being of Body, Being, Heart and Planet….One Breath At A Time

Soul Musings is a 31-day practice for the month of December immersed in deep listening to what is emerging and unfolding day by day.  Eight sentences with occasional resources to explore more deeply.

Each post, invited by Soul, allows the words to emerge unscathed from prior planning, editing, or censorship.  Dwelling in uncertainty and dipping a toe into mystery this union of words is an attempt to resonate within an innate way of Being…. returning “home”.

To receive daily posts simply sign up for this blog and you will be notified through e-mail.  In addition there will be daily posts on the blogs below.  Thank you for being part of this practice with me!

Gaye Abbott




Breath-Book-coverW2(3)Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here:

Soul Musings/Day 15: Attentive Holiday Breathing


Mailing packages at the post office today I felt it. That rather frantic irritable energy that seemed to be emanating off of many there.

One of my clients this week noticed that she felt irritable after coming home from work. She couldn’t get a handle on why.

I feel it in the space – the holiday breath holding – and have a natural remedy   always on hand to soothe this energy and return the owner of any particular body back to a connected embodied peace.

Of course you know what I am going to say – breathe fully from the belly reaching upwards into the diaphragm, expanding the ribcage and dropping the shoulders down to the earth, inhale after exhale.

Such a simple practice that can be done wherever you are with side effects that ripple out to those around you. Try it out and feel the energy shift as you attentively relax into your next breath and a soft smile emerges on your face….



Inspiring New Possibilities, Living From the Soul of Life While Co-creating Well Being of Body, Being, Heart and Planet….One Breath At A Time

Soul Musings is a 31-day practice for the month of December immersed in deep listening to what is emerging and unfolding day by day.  Eight sentences with occasional resources to explore more deeply.

Each post, invited by Soul, allows the words to emerge unscathed from prior planning, editing, or censorship.  Dwelling in uncertainty and dipping a toe into mystery this union of words is an attempt to resonate within an innate way of Being…. returning “home”.

To receive daily posts simply sign up for this blog and you will be notified through e-mail.  In addition there will be daily posts on the blogs below.  Thank you for being part of this practice with me!

Gaye Abbott




Breath-Book-coverW2(3)Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here:

Soul Musings/Day 8: The Final Pause


“The last breath we just took has been preceded by a series of inspirations, pauses, and expirations. At some point we release our final breath and transition on to what awaits us.

When you look back at your life in that very final out breath are you filled with wonder at what you have created? Have you allowed yourself to be all that you were meant to Be during this lifetime…. and remembered that with every inhale and with every exhale life and death is recreated over and over.

We actually never know when the next exhale will be our last. We can live in fear of this and a myriad of other things – or we can follow the wisdom and direction that resides within every breath we take, enjoying and learning from the moments of this incredible life we have been given.

What a wise sage is our breath. Always present and willing to guide – if we will only pause long enough to listen. “

(Excerpt from Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath, pg 96, by Gaye Abbott, RYT)



Inspiring New Possibilities, Living From the Soul of Life While Co-creating Well Being of Body, Being, Heart and Planet….One Breath At A Time

Soul Musings is a 31-day practice for the month of December immersed in deep listening to what is emerging and unfolding day by day.  Eight sentences with occasional resources to explore more deeply.

Each post, invited by Soul, allows the words to emerge unscathed from prior planning, editing, or censorship.  Dwelling in uncertainty and dipping a toe into mystery this union of words is an attempt to resonate within an innate way of Being…. returning “home”.

To receive daily posts simply sign up for this blog and you will be notified through e-mail.  In addition there will be daily posts on the blogs below.  Thank you for being part of this practice with me!

Gaye Abbott




Breath-Book-coverW2(3)Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here:

Soul Musings/Day 7: Rushing to Yoga


Time got away from me this morning and I forgot to listen to my Soul.

The Sunday morning yoga class ritual was to start in 30 minutes and I was still at home.

Throwing my props into the car I drove like a mad woman to what was in reality only 10 minutes away.

Contracted breath and frantic thinking clouded the fact that I was indeed going to a yoga class.

As I entered the street that the studio was on awareness flooded through almost knocking me over with the ridiculousness of what I was doing.

How many times in a day do we forget?

Forget that this is our life right now, not 30 minutes from now when we will be in a class focused on a moment to moment awareness of breath and body.

And Soul laughed….. as the peace of awareness descended.



Inspiring New Possibilities, Living From the Soul of Life While Co-creating Well Being of Body, Being, Heart and Planet….One Breath At A Time

Soul Musings is a 31-day practice for the month of December immersed in deep listening to what is emerging and unfolding day by day.  Eight sentences with occasional resources to explore more deeply.

Each post, invited by Soul, allows the words to emerge unscathed from prior planning, editing, or censorship.  Dwelling in uncertainty and dipping a toe into mystery this union of words is an attempt to resonate within an innate way of Being…. returning “home”.

To receive daily posts simply sign up for this blog and you will be notified through e-mail.  In addition there will be daily posts on the blogs below.  Thank you for being part of this practice with me!

Gaye Abbott




Breath-Book-coverW2(3)Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here: